Going from Windows XP to Windows 8.1

Migration from Windows XP to Windows 8.1 is not really under Microsoft. According to Redmond, the left at the time of XP computers are not equipped to Windows 8.1, which is not quite true. If your PC is equipped with enough memory (at least 1GB), a basic CPU (1 GHz frequency) and a nice hard drive (at least 20 GB), you may qualify for Windows 8.1. In addition, Microsoft probably tend to forget, but many users have changed their machine by changing the processor sometimes, sometimes the hard drive, and Windows XP kept for convenience. Consequently, it is not because your PC is running "again" in Windows XP, it is not suitable for Windows 8.1. However, as nothing is provided to facilitate the migration, you should backup everything before installing Windows 8.1 on your computer.

Q: What are the items that I have up?

A: migration from Windows XP to Windows 8.1 is not actually required by Microsoft. According to Redmond, the left at the time of XP computers are not equipped to Windows 8.1 , which is not quite true. If your PC is equipped with enough memory (at least 1GB), a proper CPU and a nice hard drive (at least 40 GB), you may qualify for Windows 8.1. In addition, Microsoft probably tend to forget, but many users have changed their machine by changing the processor sometimes, sometimes the hard drive, and Windows XP kept for convenience. Consequently, it is not because your PC is running "again" in Windows XP, it is not suitable for Windows 8.1. However, as nothing is provided to facilitate the migration, you should backup everything before installing Windows 8.1 on your computer.

Q: how to save my settings and my history in Google Chrome?

A: If Chrome is your main browser, you will not have much to do. Simply enter your Google account (Gmail, Google+ etc..) To retrieve all parameters of the Chrome browser. This includes passwords, open tabs, browsing history, favorites, etc.. Synchronization settings from one computer to another, or to another Windows, is available at: chrome :/ / settings / syncSetup .

Q: Firefox, how do I proceed?

A: Firefox also includes a backup / synchronization, but there are easier and certainly more complete, especially if you also want to save your messages in the same time. Download the free app MozBackup and install. Launch the application and select a profile functions Backup and Mozilla Firefox (en). Press the Next button, then click the Browse function and select a directory where your preferences will be saved Mozilla (so do not choose C:, but a disk or external drive).Press Next, then Next button again. . Finally, if you use Thunderbird as a mail client, repeat the same operation, but this time selecting a Backup profile> Thunderbird (en) on the first window.

Q: And if not with Internet Explorer, how I save?

R: with IE, it's almost the same thing: it is possible to save your favorites via the embedded option (File> Import / Export), but there is still more complete. The right software is called BackRex Internet Explorer Backup and can be downloaded free. Obtain and install it. At first launch, click Next, and then select the Backup function (enabled by default). Press the Next button, then click Browse and choose a destination directory different from C: (you can pick up your key or external hard drive used previously). Click Next and leave Internet Explorer xx.0 highlighted. The backup starts.

Q: How can I put away my emails?

A: If you use Thunderbird, use MozBackup as described above. With Outlook, everything is provided: an export function is integrated effect software, no need to use a third party program. In Outlook 2010, for example, click File> Options> Advanced> Export Options. Then select the Export data to a file and file Outlook (. Pst) data. This function allows you to save all of your emails, but also your contacts, calendar items, etc.. Once Windows 8.1, then you just have to reinstall Outlook, and this time select the option Import advantage of another program or file.

Q: Can I finally install Windows 8.1?

A: If you backed up your most important data, it's time to set up Windows 8.1. You can not install the new OS directly from Windows XP. On the one hand because there is a very high chance that your Windows XP is 32 bits, and you want to switch to 64-bit. So, it is necessary to start from scratch.And secondly, because even with a 32-bit edition of Windows 8.1, it just does not work (see screenshot below cons). You must restart your PC and make it embarks on the key or USB drive containing Windows 8.1.

Q: how do I create a bootable Windows 8.1?

R: first get the tool USB / DVD Download Windows 7 . Install it. Perhaps you will also retrieve and deploy software . NET Framework 2.0 (or . Net Framework 3.5 , it works well), and the control API v2.0 picture . Then run the tool USB / DVD Download Windows 7, and in the Source File field, click Browse and select the ISO of Windows 8.1. Then select the USB drive on which you want to save the Windows Installer 8.1 files. Note in passing that for the 64-bit edition, you need a key of at least 8 GB

Q: And finally, how do I install the new system?

A: It only remains for you to restart your computer, ensuring it starts well on the USB key that you just created. To do this, go into the BIOS or UEFI your machine, look for the function regarding the priority of devices at startup. Make sure it is the USB key that starts first. Some even allow BIOS to temporarily boot from a USB device, then back to normal the next start (the internal hard drive then becomes priority).

How to install Windows 8.0 From XP: everyone can enjoy

And here it is: after several months of waiting, some pirated editions and prerelease officially released by Microsoft in June, Windows 8.1 is finalized . Redmond has already distributed to manufacturers of PC and tablet, and has also delivered to account holders MSDN and TechNet. In fact, this is the version RTM (Ready To Manufacturing) , who should know that very few changes by the version available in stores and on Windows Update. You may already recovered this version by some means or another? Or would you rather wait until October 17, when the operating system will be officially available to the common man? In any case, here is a series of questions and answers that should help you regardless of your configuration. Windows XP , Windows Vista ,Windows 7 , Windows 8 or even Windows 8.1 , and all systems will be discussed in this folder .

How to enjoy Windows 8.1?

Microsoft has not officially announced the minimum configuration of the final Windows 8.1 , but the company did on the preview release last June. As there is no reason to change that in such a short time, you can already find the minimum vital to the new OS run: a 1 ​​GHz processor , 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit) , and between 16 GB and 20 GB of space on the hard disk. Besides a graphics card to the minimum compatible with DirectX 9 . Clearly, any PC released in the last ten years can do the trick, with of course, the best results in terms of speed and responsiveness of the latest equipment. 
Another point, the method of updating. Thereupon, Microsoft has made ​​it clear it is possible to migrate from any version of Windows, but the result differs. Since XP and Vista for example, Windows 8.1 erases all data from older versions of the OS (it is therefore not an update but a complete reinstallation). It is therefore necessary to make a backup of your personal data first.Windows 7, however, it retrieves its data, but it is necessary to reinstall all programs. Finally, under Windows 8.0 , it is as if they were to install a service pack. Therefore no need to reinstall anything.All installation procedures are also detailed in the following pages .

iOS 7: few steps to increase the battery life

Quit apps
Who wants to have some of its long battery should look at now and again, which apps running in the background. Many programs continue to run even when they should actually be paused. Pay particular attention to all the apps that query your location - it costs a lot of energy. 's how it works: Press twice to your home button. Then push unwanted apps with a finger upward from the screen.

Control Center

Both the lock screen as well as in normal home screen you can use the new Control Center. In addition to useful shortcuts you can find the way to manage settings like WiFi, Bluetooth, airplane mode and night. Basically: What is not being used, can get away. Night and flight mode switch also still receiving or notifications from. 's how it works: Simply click on the on the bottom of the screen wipe screen to the center. The Control Center appears and is immediately ready for use.

Automatic downloads
iOS 7 allows you to download all iTunes and App Store content automatically. This is in some cases practically , but mostly unnecessary. Turn off this feature in the menu, you prevent both accidental data as well as a little energy consumption. 's how it works: iTunes & App Store Settings ➤ ➤ Automatic Downloads on / off

Location services
The GPS chip and the location services are real energy hogs - as soon as the iPhone retrieves the current position, the percent tumble. Therefore: turn off everything that is not absolutely needed. iOS 7 for example, uses frequently the weather, since the new message center location and weather prospects can view. 's how it goes: Privacy Settings ➤ ➤ location services and deselecting

Time Zone
Those who do not travel often, always adheres basically only one time zone. By switching off the automatic time zone search you also save a few percent. 's how it goes: Settings ➤ General ➤ ➤ Setting the date & time Automatic on / off

Dynamic Backgrounds
iOS 7 now offers dynamic backgrounds. The seven colored backgrounds with a small animation. What looks good at first glance, costing you precious battery life. Better your own photo or any other static image. 's how it goes: Backgrounds & brightness settings ➤ ➤ ➤ Dynamic Background or choose frames

3D effect
The new 3D-effect (also called parallax effect) is impressive. If you move the iPhone, the screen aligns new and shows very dynamic. However, since this effect is activated in the lock screen, it can cost a lot of energy over time. Therefore:., If you do not need to shut it And so it goes: Accessibility Settings ➤ General ➤ ➤ ➤ reduce motion motion reduce to / from

Background update
Some apps call in the background from Internet and position data. In individual cases, but that is quite useful, mostly not necessary. Meet here the right choice for you and turn off all other apps. It is important that you regularly check for the installation of new programs, if an entry is added. 's how it goes: Settings ➤ General ➤ Background update

How to install iOS 7 on iPhone or iPad

iOS 7 is finally available now for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. If yesterday we saw the right thing to have before updating to iOS 7, including backup of its data, today here are the steps to put the phone up to date.
The update of the iPhone is not a very complicated task, but nevertheless worth a minimum of attention. Once you have verified that your device is compatible and made ​​backups, two options are available to you: make a good old normal upgrade via iTunes, or to update "over the air", Wifi, directly on your phone.
The first solution is the most traditional and best known, simply plug in your USB device and wait until the computer detects it. iTunes will notify you that an update is available, if this is not the case, you can search should find iOS 7. Just to clarify that the version of iTunes 11.1, all freshly output is required to install iOS 7 , so this is a download that you should consider in advance if you have not already done so. You just have to simply click on the "update" button to download the system starts.The rest of the procedure is automatic and will take several minutes for iOS is downloaded and transferred to your device.

Regarding the update "OTA" (over the air), it is even easier, since you have to go through the phone menu via Settings> General> Software Update to find it. Again, the system will notify you that an update is available, and click on "Install" initiate the process. Note however that in this mode, it is strongly recommended to keep her connected to a power source to prevent the battery from falling in the harbor during the update unit, which could be fatal. Similarly, the update will not start if the battery level is below 50%.
Once the installation is complete, conventional settings will be required, such as a Wi-Fi network and your Apple ID, particularly in order to recover any backup iCloud . If you have updated your device from iTunes, this is supposed to restore the last backup date of your data, allowing you to find any. If this is not the case, it is obviously possible to restore a previous backup.


What is usability?
User friendly
–No need m/c to friendly
Different users have different needs
A system that is “friendly” to one may feel very tedious to another
•Use other terms
System Acceptability
•Social acceptability
•Practical acceptability
Definition of Usability
•5 usability attributes:
•The system should be easy to learn  for novice users
•Highly learnable systems have a steep incline for the first part of the learning curve and allow users to reach a reasonable level of usage proficiency within a short time
•Zero efficiency at zero time except walk-up-and-use systems
•Easy to measure
Efficiency of Use
•The system should be efficient to use for expert users, so that once the users has learned the system, a high level of productivity is possible
•Test users are asked to use the system for a certain number of hours, after their efficiency can be measured
–In terms of number of seconds to do a specific task
•The system should be easy to remember, so that casual user is able to return to the system after some period of not having used it, without having to learn everything all over again
•“Kiss and Ride”
•2 ways of measuring
–Measure the time needed for casual users to perform some typical test tasks
–Memory test
•After finishing the test session explain the effect of various commands or name the command
Few and non catastrophic errors
•The system should have a low error rate, so that users make few errors during the use of the system, and so that if they do make errors they can easily recover from them
•Error is defined as any action that does not accomplish the desired goal
•Measured by counting the number of such actions
Subjective satisfaction
•The system should be pleasant to use, so that users are subjectively satisfied when using it; they like it
•Can be measured by
–Psychophysiological measures
–Asking subjective opinion
•Likert scale
•Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about the system
A.It was very easy to learn how to use this system
  1=strongly disagree 2=partly disagree 3=neither disagree nor agree 4=partly agree 5=strongly agree
A.Using this system was a very frustrating experience
B.I feel that this system allows me to achieve very high productivity
C.I worry that many of the things I did with this system may have been wrong
D.This system can do all the things I think I would need
E.This system is very pleasant to work with
Semantic differential scale
•Please make the positions that best reflect your impression of this system
          Pleasing  - - - - - - - -  Irritating
          Complete   - - - - - - - -   Incomplete
          Cooperative  - - - - - - - -   Uncooperative
          Simple   - - - - - - - -  Complicated
          Fast to use  - - - - - - - -   Slow to use
          Safe   - - - - - - - -   Unsafe

Method for calculating the index of air quality

Grid computing the index of air quality

ContaminationIndexMajor PollutantsOther Pollutants
Very high> 100> 400> 240> 180> 20000> 500
Very Low25506025500050
  • NO2 , O3 , SO2 : hourly value / maximum hourly value in μg/m3
  • PM 10 : hourly value / maximum hourly value or average daily adjusted μg/m3
  • CO: moving average 8 hours / moving average maximum of 8 hours in μg/m3

The air quality is rated on a 5-point scale from 0 (low pollution) over 100 (very high pollution). It is based on three main pollutants: PM 10 (particulate matter), NO(nitrogen dioxide), O3(ozone) and may consider two additional pollutants that is to say, CO (Carbon monoxide  and SO(sulfur dioxide) to the cities for which data are available.

Calculating air quality is based on a review of various local
 measures air quality and reflects . to as much as possible the alert thresholds or daily limits In order to make comparable cities and to overcome the nature of the monitoring network, two indices are defined.
  • Index background (global), representing the general situation of the agglomeration (based on urban background monitoring sites)
  • Index near traffic, representing busy roads (based on monitoring stations along the route)

Nanotechnology -Definition

"Nanotechnology" is a generic term that describes applications in many scientific areas but covers a general research principles and existing properties at the nanoscale, that is to say at the level of atoms and molecules. The objective is to produce nanotechnology objects or materials of less than 100 nanometers.These nanomaterials are composed of nanoparticles, in contrast to fine natural or from a combustion particles are produced intentionally. Nanomaterials can be metals, ceramics, carbon, polymers or silicates which have the advantage of having specific characteristics compared to the same material at the macroscopic scale. The acquisition of these new physico-chemical properties and opens a whole range of basic and applied research grouped under the name of "nanoscience".